How to motivate your team as a leader

A motivated team is often a successful team. From reducing absence levels to increasing employee productivity and encouraging innovation, there are many ways that motivation can drive greater success for your organisation.

It’s therefore no wonder that more and more managers are asking themselves the question ‘how would you motivate your team as a leader’? To help you answer this question, the leadership development experts at Leadership Success have compiled this handy guide.

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What is motivational leadership?

As the name suggests, motivational leadership is all about inspiring your team to achieve your collective business goals. Effective motivational leadership therefore involves understanding what motivates your employees and utilising those incentives to support both the success of the business and its employees.

How to motivate your team as a leader

Keen to learn how to motivate a team as a leader? While there are many ways that a leader can inspire and motivate, we explore some of them in more detail below.

Practice clear communication

Clear, frequent, and two-way communication is essential to motivating your team. Not only can you, as a leader, keep them updated about any changes, but they can also feedback their own opinions and ideas, making them feel valued and listened to.

This will not only encourage your team to approach you with new ideas, but can also help them to feel more involved in, and connected to, the business, motivating them to be more productive and engaged.

Set clear and measurable goals

One of the easiest ways to motivate a team is to set clear and measurable goals or KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that they can strive towards. After all, if a team understands what they’re working towards, they may feel more inclined to achieve them.

Ensuring you set measurable goals is also crucial to helping you track the progress of your team and being able to show them the tangible results of their efforts, something which can be even more motivating.

Offer development opportunities

Another way that leaders can help employees to feel more motivated and valued at work is by providing them with plenty of opportunities to upskill in an area that interests them. Whether the leader provides tailored mentoring or sends them on a learning course, these growth and development opportunities can be vital for boosting team engagement and motivation.

Recognise and reward employees

Following a successful marketing campaign or a big sale, it makes sense that your employees should be recognised and rewarded for their efforts. However, more than simply applauding their achievement, it’s important to put it into context and explain how that achievement has helped the business as a whole to progress towards its goals.

Members of the team that consistently go above and beyond to support the business vision should also be awarded specific praise for their outstanding efforts. Alongside words of praise and company-wide recognition, perks, monetary compensation, and other gifts can all prove incredibly motivating.

Promote a healthy working environment

It’s no secret that a positive and healthy working environment can have a big impact on the motivation and engagement of your team. This is because a positive working environment often means happier employees, and happier employees are more likely to produce their best work.

You can cultivate a positive working environment by regularly showing employee appreciation, asking for their feedback and suggestions, promoting healthy working habits, and introducing initiatives that help your team to tackle any work-related stress.

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Work through your leadership issues with Leadership Success

Struggling to motivate your team? At Leadership Success, we understand that becoming the kind of leader you want to be isn’t always easy. That’s where our individualised leadership development programs can help.

We have a proven track record of assessing and coaching individuals from a wide range of different managerial positions and industries. Our internal coach-led development programs offer leaders and individual contributors the opportunity to benefit from an objective view and confidential environment.

No matter what kind of leadership-related issue you want to work through, you can rely on our extensive network of delivery partners (each one varying in specialisation and location to suit your specific requirements) to help you become a more effective leader.

To speak to one of our knowledgeable coaches about the development of your leadership skills, call us today on 02045292622. You can also get in touch by emailing us at or finding us on social media.



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