Organisational Readiness Assessment, Coronavirus (COVID-19)

In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we've partnered with Qlearsite to deliver a free Organisational Readiness Assessment to Australian and New Zealand organisations.

What the assessment covers

The Qlearsite Organisational Readiness contains just 16 questions, 12 multiple choice and 4 free text.  They have been identified as the core factors that lead to optimised employee engagement during a crisis.

Results are summarised in a simple ‘Organisational Readiness Map’ (see image). This information is then used to align the efforts of managers at all levels of your organisation and optimise the readiness of your organisation to deal with the fallout from a crisis.


How the assessment is delivered

The readiness assessment is a part of the Qlearsite technology platform. It will collate the data and prepare your reports. You do not need to configure the platform, or create logins.

 Once you have requested your Readiness Assessment, the Leadership Success/Qlearsite support team will send you the link to your survey and an option to embed your company logo. We’ll also provide you with a suggested communication template. The feedback is anonymous, no register file or employee list required. 

You then distribute the anonymous feedback link to all relevant employees and the Qlearsite platform captures and analyses the data.



Your assessment report and results

Once the assessment closes, a PDF will be automatically generated from the Qlearsite platform. The PDF will be sent to you within 1 working day, in addition to a raw data file that contains all responses and comments from your people.

The report follows analytical narratives - where we explain quantitative scores through our Language AI technology, which is capable of summarising large volumes of comments into themes and sentiment. This means we can help you understand feelings and experiences hidden in your employees’ free-text feedback.
